How To Guide for Downloading Your Photos & Adding Them to the MLS
If you need help downloading photos, adding photos to the MLS or adding a virtual tour to the MLS please review the steps outlined below or feel free to contact me at or 480-269-0705.
How to Download Photos
You will receive an email with links to download the photos. Follow these steps for downloading.
1) Click the link for the photos you want to download from the email, either Full Size Images or MLS Size Images.
2) A window like the one below will open. Click the "Download" button in the upper right and select "Direct Download" from the drop down menu. (Do not select "Save to my Dropbox.")
3) In the window that opens asking you if you want to Open or Save the file select Save. This will download the images to your computer, usually to the "Downloads" folder on your C drive.
4) Depending on your connection speed the download time will vary. Note, the "Full Size" images will take longer to download than the "MLS Size" images.
5) Locate the downloaded folder on your computer and double click it to open. You may now move (via copy and paste) the images to another location on your PC or upload them to the MLS directly from this folder.
6) The file that you downloaded is compressed or zipped in order to easily send it. In order to work with the images in the folder they will need to be "unzipped" or "extracted." Some systems may do this automatically for you. Or you may need to click the "extract all" button at the top of the window. Once you click that button a window will open asking you where you want to place the extracted file. You can leave it as is (the same folder) or direct it to another location using the "browse" button. Leave the "Show extracted files when complete" box checked and click "extract.
7) After the extraction takes place a new window will open that contains the images in a folder ready to use. You can work from this folder or move them to your documents, desktop or another location.
How to Add the Images to the ARMLS System
(Note: This help only refers to the ARMLS system, other MLS systems may vary).
1) From your listing click on the "Photos" link under the "Multimedia" section.
2) On the next window click "add photos" and a window to browse for your photos will open.
3) Find the location where you saved the images after downloading them. Once you open that folder, select the images and click the button at the bottom to add them. They will then show in the "Upload Photos" window above. Click the "Start Upload" button.
4) To drag and drop, open the folder that contains the images that you downloaded earlier. Select the images you want to add to the MLS (Use Ctrl A on your PC or Cmd A on your Mac to select all the images). Then use your mouse to drag the photos over to the photos window and drop them. The upload will start automatically.
How to Add the Virtual Tour to the ARMLS System
(Note: This help only refers to the ARMLS system, other MLS systems may vary).
1) Once the listing is active select the listing from the "Change" tab. (Note: Virtual Tours cannot be added to listings that are in the incomplete stage or not active)
2) Under the "multimedia" section on the right select "Virtual Tour."
3) Click the "Add Virtual Tour" button.
4) Copy the Non-Branded link that was sent to you by email and paste it into the "link" box. (Note: You must use the Non-Branded version on the MLS)
5) You can add a description of the tour (such as the address) but that is optional.
6) Leave the type to the default.
7) Click "Save Changes."